The Long John Index Service of Canada

Keeping Canadians Warm and Entertained since Mid to late October

You Could Win a Pair of HOMEMADE Long John Index Mittens!

Long John IndexComment

Back in July, when the snow was still weeks away, and Canadians were basking in 19 hours of sunlight, we received a message from a local reader. Unlike most messages we receive, which are either spammy, or have lawsuits attached to them, this message promised something grand! This Long John Index fan was such a fan, that she wanted to give us mittens! mittens that she would knit! WITHOUT ROBOTS! Naturally, we said yes, but with the only stipulation is that we would give them away in a contest.

All of a sudden, it was January, and we received another message from our Wonder Knitter: the Mittens were finished! And even more amazing, there were not one, not two, but Three pairs! A kids size, ladies and men's set! That's Right! THREE PAIRZ! And we are giving them all away!

How do you get a pair? Well you need to tell us what you love about winter. Draw a picture, sing a song, write us a poem or teach your dog to build a snow person. We will post whatever you send on the blog, for all the country to see, and we will select 3 winners, who will receive a pair of either kids, ladies or men's mittens. Tell us which pair you want to win to be entered into that specific draw!

Send your shinnanegans to keepwarm (at) The deadline is February 15 2013. We will post entries and tweet them as we receive them.

By the way, a BIG mitten high five to our Wonder Knitter, @marilynk_ for the awesome mittens! She invented the pattern and everything!